Founders: Francesco Morace

Sociologist and writer, Francesco Morace has been working for over thirty years in the sociological and market research field. He is the founder of Future Concept Lab and creator of the Festival della Crescita. Strategic consultant for companies and institutions on an international level and since 1981 held conferences, courses and seminars in many countries in Europe, Asia, North and South America.
Professor of Trend Forecasting for fashion at Politecnico di Milano from 2009 till 2020 and the author of over 20 books including “La rinascita dell’Italia. Una visione per il futuro tra etica ed estetica aumentate” (2020), “Il Bello del Mondo” (2019), “Futuro + Umano” (2018), “Crescere. Un Manifesto in dodici mosse” (2017 paperback/Italian), “ConsumAutori. I nuovi nuclei generazionali” (2016 paperback/Italian and English); “Crescita Felice. Percorsi di futuro civile” (2015 paperback/Italian), “Italian Factor. Come moltiplicare il valore di un Paese” (2014 paperback/Italian) all published by Egea.
He participates within “Il Consum-autore” each Sunday on the Radio24 show “Essere e Avere” hosted by Marialuisa Pezzali and is also a regular columnist on the subject of trends for Mark Up, Millionaire, Affari & Finanza.